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Curitiba is the capital of the state Parana. Name of city"Curitiba" the Indian origin. In translation from the language ofguarany "kur yt yba" means a "pine-wood". Really, Curitibasurround the dense forests.

Curitiba was founded on March, 29, 1693 by a captain MateusMartins Lemy. Originally a settlement carried the name Vila da Nossa da Lus dosPinias. Changing of the name and change in the fate of settlement happened in1721, with the visit of official Rafael Pires Padrinio. He was delighted by thenatural resource of this earth, cared of environment.

Presently Curitiba - one of the Brazilian cities mosteconomically developed, equipped with modern amenities and quiet. She plays astrategic role not only the economy of Brazil but also three nearest countries- Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The basic trade-routes of South of Brazil andSouth of the Южноамериканского continent pass here.

Curitiba was confessed by the World bank as the Brazilian citywith the best quality of life in a country.

The economy of Curitiba is various. It processing ofagricultural produce, engineer, production of electronic technique, commerceand service.

Tourists with pleasure visit Curitiba. Here is немаль ofinteresting places. One of the best places for walks and purchases in Curitibais a street with the talking name "Rua 24 оras", id est "street24 hours". A central area of city is an area Tiradentes - too usesconsiderable popularity the cathedral of Nossa Seniora da Lus, built in agothic, prevails Above the architectural ensemble of area. To visit here можнаand enormous opera theater, open in 1992 or panoramic tower with that amagnificent 360-degree kind is opened on a city and outskirts.

And yet here are a few memorials : the Arabic memorial,Japanese memorial, that is on the areas of Japan, Memorial of Polishimmigration and, even, Ukrainian memorial, built in a park Tingu. Also in cityof расаоложен botanical garden, where part of territory is executed in style ofthe French gardens, there are the Botanical museum and corner of the virginforest and zoo.

Not looking on that a city is on a coast and can not disposebeaches, however, it is needed to mark that this city simply must be visited tothe tourists and guests of Brazil.




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