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Kosta do Saupe is the greatest resort zone of Brazil. The resort of Kosta do Saupe is located straight on a coast, only in 76 kilometres from the international airport of city Salvador, in surroundings the most beautiful beaches of Brazil. It is the territory of the ecological protected zone guarded by the state, with the large variety of exotic flora and fauna.

This place will captivate the beaches, sand-dunes, coconut groves, little lakes, exotic vegetation, by a sunny weather the whole year round and by the perfectly developed infrastructure of rest.

Kosta do Saupe is in the north of province of Baya. Middle annual temperature of air + 28С, and the temperature of water below only on a 1 degree.

From Kosta do Saupe it is undifficult to get to Salvador, one of the most colourful cities of Brazil, that is named yet the "city of churches". Most interesting churches - Nossa Senhora do Rosario dos Pretos, built by slaves 18 century, Nuestra Sagrada Concepcion de la Playa and gold church of San Francisco with unfinished sculptures in baroque, that decorate walls and altar.

On a resort wonderful terms are created for active rest, - there are tennis courts, paths for runs, grounds for golf, riding centers, rental of bicycles agencies, excellent possibilities for engaging in any watersportss. In the hotels of resort the holiday-makers, engaging in a fitness and various weakening procedures offer to in SPA- centers.

In the tourist settlement of Villa Nova tourists are expected by the great number of interesting spectacles - unique musical and dancing shows, exhibitions. Missed on a settlement, it is possible to call at one of numerous tents, where predict a fate on the maps of tarho. Mass of the impressions will be presented by walks on outskirts - landscapes are very picturesque, and the fauna of coast is extraordinarily various. It is here possible to see turtles, whale, rare birds.

In the restaurants of Kosta do Saupe it is necessarily needed to try akarajes and beyjus.

Here is a great number small shops in that it is possible to purchase very beautiful jewelries.


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